Richard Schweiger eU         Dorotheergasse 10/14, 1010 Wien,  Austria      +43 650 654 24 38       legal/data protection

from imageclips to shortfilms, commercials to featurefilms

decent imagery comes with consistent conception.
planning your shoot from start to finish enables highest efficiency of your message.

APA-IT    and IT works
Imageclip production, direction, filming, restoration, videoretouche, colorgrading, editing and motiondesign.
watch it here

Agency: Vektorama
Client: APA Marketing, APA-IT

In four years of production this featurefilm was created by enthusiastic actors around filmmaker richard schweiger, who wrote, filmed animated and scored the movie, to get in touch with visual effects in movieproduction.

cyllos is a future tale, reaching over millenia rendering the faith of life thats spreading throughout the universe. a young mans faith is twisted in vast dreamscapes and cosmic survival.

created as a low cost production that captures an international story, this film is aiming beyond the limits of  common filmmaking.  Duration 93minutes, FullHD